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Image by Niklas Weiss

About Victoria

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Victoria Libertore is an intuitive reader, Reiki Master, astrologer, medium and teacher who has been practicing professionally for 19 years. She has been giving intuitive readings to people throughout the U.S. and around the world. In addition to her one-on-one work, she is a passionate teacher with the intention of empowering others. She has taught workshops and led ceremonies at venues such as The Alchemist's Kitchen, The Assemblage, Bust Craftacular, Crash Acting, House of Intuition, Hastings College, Illuminated Herbalism Summit, Otterbein University and Shift Network. Victoria has been practicing Reiki since 2010 and became a Reiki Master in 2017. Victoria also mentors people to help them connect more deeply with their intuition and creativity. Her other passions include performance, writing, travel, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC equality. She is writing a book about intuition.
Contact her to set up an intuitive reading, mentoring session, intuitive astrology session, creative coaching, Reiki session or to ask a question or to just say hello.

More about my background . . .


I view all of life as spiritual, as sacred, as an opportunity to evolve. My daily spiritual path is to connect with the Divine, often through communing with various Goddesses, to live by the Reiki principles as best that I can and to have compassion for my own and everyone's else humanity - embracing imperfection along the way. A daily prayer and meditation practice helps me to stay centered and grounded. I am acutely aware of my shadows and have made friends with them. Humor has helped me to navigate life's ups and downs and it tends to come into all of my sessions. I am humbled and exhilarated to serve as a guide on another human's path.


I was one of those kids that saw ghosts, dreamed of deceased relatives and felt the presence of the unseen in nature. I shut all of that down as I grew up. Though I remained fascinated by the unseen. Leaving for college, a friend gave me a gift of Rune stones. I remember reaching in the bag, and they had different temperatures and felt like they were different sizes. I was shocked when I spilled them all out of their pouch that they were all the same size. This was a hint of the energy work that I would come to do.


After college I went to New York City and started to meet people working with their intuition, spirituality and energy. Carolyn Swift of The Guiding Circle was especially impactful and changed the course of my life through her intuitive readings and mentoring. She is a loving, generous, highly-skilled intuitive and spiritual teacher. Through receiving intuitive readings from her and eventually mentoring with her, attending workshops of other spiritual teachers, reading every book I could get my hands on about spiritual growth, I again discovered and became to love my own intuitive gifts.


I started to receive intuitive messages for myself in the early 2000s. in 2005, I was sitting with a friend in my sunroom in Brooklyn, New York. I sensed her guides present and I started to relay messages to her from her guides. She told a friend who then came to me and recommended me to her friend and so on. This has led to 19 years of giving intuitive readings, mentoring people with their intuition and teaching workshops. I became attuned to Reiki I and II in 2010, and in addition to guide messages, I began to really work with people to connect into their own energy and have an understanding of their chakras and aura. In my own life, I have come to believe that taking good care of my energy is as important as taking care of my physical body. In 2017, I became a Reiki master in the Dr. Mikao Usui Master Lineage. I have attuned over 30 people to Reiki I & II and also attuned two Reiki Master level practitioners. 


Throughout these 19 years, more traditional mediumship from loved ones (human and animal) who are deceased has come into sessions. Additionally, I have fallen in love with astrology and weave it into sessions with intuition. Living, animal companions have been coming into sessions with messages and requests.  Many of the pictures on this site are from Bali, which is a spiritual home for my wife and myself. In addition to spiritual work, I am an actor and writer. Being consciously connected to my guides both seen (like four-leggeds in our home) and unseen is one of the greatest joys of my life.


After 21 years in NYC, in 2018, I moved from NYC to Los Angeles with my wife, dog and two cats. Brooklyn, Bogie & Sydney have all crossed over to spirit side. 💚 I live in Monrovia with my wife. I am passionate about continuing to study and learn. My current studies are taking me deeper into astrology and acting. They very much feel aligned with intuition and channeling. 


Thanks for taking a moment to get to know me. I hope to connect with you.

If you found your way here, you are in a special tribe of lightworkers, artists, rebels, healers, shadow-walkers, innovators, non-conformers on this planet -  I thank you for all that you are doing in big and small ways. 

My work always focuses on empowering you. So much of life is beyond our control, but we do have a choice in how we move through the world, our intentions and the perspective we carry. My sessions focus on how you can connect to your own intuition, have an understanding of your soul's journey and actions that you can take to live a life that includes your passions & greatest visions. In all my sessions, all areas of your life are explored with love and compassion.

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